AYSO Volunteer Requirements
Volunteers are required to complete some basic training before acting in any role within the region. Most of these requirements are a one time item and are done using an online training link provided within your account.
Free training available for all volunteer positions. Look up classes on ETrainU using the AYSOU button under your account name. Consult the appropriate page for the volunteer position for more details regarding training certification requirements.

Unlike AYSOU, there IS NOT a direct link to eTrainU. You have to go to your SportsConnect profile. How do you do that?
1. Login to your region website

2. When you click the Login button, you should get one of the following screens:

Login using the volunteer's OWN credentials (not a spouse's or a friend's, etc.)
3. Click on the "Volunteer" button on the left hand side of the page.

4. Click on the "My Training" button in the middle of the page under your name. Should take you to eTrainU.

5. Click on "Training Event" on the left side of the page. Should take you here:

Scroll to the right month on the calendar. Click on the class you want.
For example, on January 8th, you can see multiple options for Section One Roadshow. Click on one.
6. Click on the course you want and click on "Enroll". If you do not have the proper prerequisites, it will not let you register (most likely).

There are other ways to get to the classes you want via the "Training Library" instead of the "Training Event" in #5.
Play around in eTrainU if you like.
* This instruction graciously provided by Tony Robinson, Area 1/P Referee Administrator.